Share Price Lookup
Find a closing price of below shares from history on a specific date
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Carlsberg B (COP) Copenhagen DKK 1995-12-01
Carlsberg A (COP) Copenhagen DKK 1995-12-01
Heineken (AMS) Amsterdam EUR 1996-09-12
Anheuser-Busch InBev (BRU) Brussels EUR 2000-12-01
Royal UNIBREW (COP) Copenhagen DKK 2018-03-01
Molson Coors Brewing B (NYSE) NYSE USD 1998-01-02
Asahi Group (TSE) Tokyo JPY 1999-04-06
Kirin Holdings (TSE) Tokyo JPY 1999-04-06
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Annual Close Prices1
1 - Based on year-end price for the past periods; for the current year - based on the previous close price