Analyst coverage and ratings

Last data input: Aug 26, 2024
CompanyAnalystTarget price(€)Rating
Fernando Abril-Martorell
Last target price: 13.50 €
Last rating input: 06/08/2024
Country: Spain
13.50 Neutral
Banco Sabadell
Ignacio Romero
Last target price: 14.33 €
Last rating input: 26/08/2024
Country: Spain
14.33 Overweight
Javier Beldarrain
Last target price: 12.30 €
Last rating input: 16/05/2024
Country: Spain
12.30 Buy
Andrea Fernández
Last target price: 14.20 €
Last rating input: 15/08/2024
Country: Spain
14.20 Neutral
Javier Bernat
Last target price: 13.39 €
Last rating input: 11/03/2024
Country: Spain
13.39 Buy
Ignacio Dominguez Ruiz
Last target price: 14.10 €
Last rating input: 26/07/2024
Country: Spain
14.10 Neutral
Kepler Cheuvreux
Ferran Tort Barniol
Last target price: 13.00 €
Last rating input: 21/05/2024
Country: Spain
13.00 Buy
Oddo BHF
Gerardo Ibanez
Last target price: 12.50 €
Last rating input: 17/05/2024
Country: France
12.50 Outperform
Renta 4
Javier Díaz Izquierdo
Last target price: 12.50 €
Last rating input: 05/08/2024
Country: Spain
12.50 Hold
Mariano Miguel
Last target price: 12.90 €
Last rating input: 22/02/2024
Country: Spain
12.90 Outperform

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Neinor Homes (hereafter referred to as "The Company") is followed by the analyst(s) listed above. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding The Company's performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of The Company or its management. The Company does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations. Read more...
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