Date - 31/01/2008
    B-series Votes
  Shareholders No. of shares Shares % Change No. of votes Votes %
1 Metsäliitto Cooperative 100,978,057 34.60% 0 100,978,057 34.60%
2 Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company 4,712,451 1.61% 4,512,000 4,712,451 1.61%
3 Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company 3,028,211 1.04% 0 3,028,211 1.04%
4 Mutual Insurance Company Pension-Fennia 2,322,000 0.80% 0 2,322,000 0.80%
5 FIM Fenno Mutual Fund 1,900,000 0.65% 0 1,900,000 0.65%
6 Maa- ja Metsätaloustuottajain Keskusliitto MTK ry 1,437,230 0.49% 0 1,437,230 0.49%
7 Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company 1,286,080 0.44% 806,000 1,286,080 0.44%
8 Mrlbv Incentive Ky 1,021,419 0.35% 0 1,021,419 0.35%
9 SEB Gyllenberg Private Bank AB 872,600 0.30% 0 872,600 0.30%
10 FIM Forte Mutual Fund 738,510 0.25% 0 738,510 0.25%
11 The Local Government Pensions Institution  692,400 0.24% 692,400 692,400 0.24%
12 Veikko Laine Oy 610,000 0.21% 200,000 610,000 0.21%
13 OP-Delta Mutual Fund 600,000 0.21% -500,000 600,000 0.21%
14 Metsäliiton Toimenhaltijain Eläkesäätiö 577,900 0.20% 0 577,900 0.20%
15 OP-Finland 505,340 0.17% 0 505,340 0.17%
16 FIM Investment Services Ltd. 480,776 0.16% 216,048 480,776 0.16%
17 Turun Kaupungin Vahinkorahasto 384,725 0.13% 241,730 384,725 0.13%
  Nominee registered shareholders B-series Votes
    No. of shares Shares % Change No. of votes Votes %
1 OMXBS/Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Ab 63,679,410 21.82% 3,285,697 63,679,410 21.82%
2 Nordea Bank Finland Abp 36,990,555 12.68% -14,620,285 36,990,555 12.68%
3 Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ), Filialverksamheten i Finland 20,665,582 7.08% -770,528 20,665,582 7.08%
20 largest shareholders total 243,483,246 83.43%   243,483,246 83.43%
Others 48,342,816        
Notes: Data is updated monthly
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