Date - 31/01/2005
    A-series B-series Total Shares Total Votes
  Shareholders No. of shares Change No. of shares Change No. of shares Shares % No. of votes Votes %
1 Metsäliitto Cooperative 25,751,535 25,751,535 100,978,057 100,978,057 126,729,592 38.62% 616,008,757 60.47%
2 Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company 3,534,330 3,534,330 5,428,211 5,428,211 8,962,541 2.73% 76,114,811 7.47%
3 Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company 2,203,544 2,203,544 1,341,113 1,341,113 3,544,657 1.08% 45,411,993 4.46%
4 Maa- ja Metsätaloustuottajain Keskusliitto MTK ry 1,704,249 1,704,249 1,597,750 1,597,750 3,301,999 1.01% 35,682,730 3.50%
5 Oy Etra Invest Ab 0 0 2,200,035 2,200,035 2,200,035 0.67% 2,200,035 0.22%
6 Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company 120,000 120,000 823,080 823,080 943,080 0.29% 3,223,080 0.32%
7 Turun Kaupungin Vahinkorahasto 147,678 147,678 627,049 627,049 774,727 0.24% 3,580,609 0.35%
8 OP-Finland 0 0 770,000 770,000 770,000 0.26% 770,000 0.26%
9 Vahinkovakuutusyhtiö Pohjola 13,000 13,000 366,665 366,665 770,000 0.23% 770,000 0.08%
10 Metsäliiton Toimenhaltijain Eläkesäätiö 16,070 16,070 577,900 577,900 593,970 0.18% 899,300 0.09%
11 Mutual Insurance Company Pension-Fennia 0 0 550,705 550,705 550,705 0.17% 550,705 0.05%
12 Polaris Pension Foundation 227,770 227,770 311,505 311,505 539,275 0.16% 4,866,905 0.48%
13 Försäkringsaktiebolaget Pensions-Alandia 13,800 13,800 534,415 534,415 534,415 0.16% 534,415 0.05%
14 Seligson & Co OMX Helsinki 25 Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) 0 0 506,515 506,515 506,515 0.15% 506,515 0.05%
15 The Local Government Pensions Institution  0 0 500,000 500,000 500,000 0.15% 500,000 0.05%
16 Veikko Laine Oy 0 0 453,000 453,000 453,000 0.14% 453,000 0.04%
17 Elite Alfred Berg Finland Focus Fund 0 0 411,680 411,680 411,680 0.13% 411,680 0.04%
18 Danske Invest Finnish Equity Fund 0 0 393,120 393,120 393,120 0.12% 393,120 0.04%
  Nominee registered shareholders A-series B-series Total Shares Total Votes
    No. of shares Change No. of shares Change No. of shares Shares % No. of votes Votes %
1 Nordea Bank Finland Abp 26,802 26,802 115,553,371 115,553,371 115,580,173 35.22% 116,089,411 11.40%
2 OMXBS/Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Ab 10,540 10,540 4,929,964 4,929,964 4,940,504 1.51% 5,140,764 0.50%
20 largest shareholders total 33,769,318   238,854,135   272,999,988 83.22% 914,107,830 89.92%
Notes: Data is updated monthly
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