Shareholders Share
capital %
Votes % A Shares C Shares Total number
of shares
Monthly change %
1 Investor 21.73 21.78 452,198,555 4,000,372 456,198,927 0.0
2 AMF Pension & Fonder 4.73 4.78 99,238,202 0 99,238,202 -1.8
3 Alecta Tjänstepension 4.38 4.43 92,001,674 0 92,001,674 -5.1
4 SEBs own shareholding 4.22 4.26 88,524,840 0 88,524,840 +6.2
5 Swedbank Robur Fonder 3.89 3.93 81,647,104 0 81,647,104 0.0
6 Capital Group 3.21 3.25 67,437,843 0 67,437,843 +0.1
7 Vanguard 2.97 2.97 61,616,733 718,900 62,335,633 +0.5
8 BlackRock 2.94 2.97 61,744,124 17,752 61,761,876 +1.8
9 Handelsbanken Fonder 2.38 2.41 49,999,870 52,236 50,052,106 -4.2
10 SEB Investment Management 2.06 2.08 43,261,227 0 43,261,227 -0.0
11 Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund 0.93 0.94 19,600,000 0 19,600,000 -2.5
12 Avanza Fonder 0.91 0.92 19,051,597 0 19,051,597 +2.7
13 Harding Loevner 0.85 0.86 17,945,307 0 17,945,307 0.0
14 Folksam 0.79 0.79 16,487,957 0 16,487,957 -0.1
15 Storebrand Fonder 0.78 0.78 16,273,775 0 16,273,775 -1.1
16 Länsförsäkringar Fonder 0.76 0.77 16,001,268 0 16,001,268 +7.1
17 First Swedish National Pension Fund 0.76 0.77 15,969,833 0 15,969,833 0.0
18 Nordea Funds 0.73 0.74 15,429,891 0 15,429,891 +0.2
19 SEB-Stiftelsen 0.66 0.46 9,120,000 4,732,500 13,852,500 0.0
20 State Street Global Advisors 0.60 0.61 12,567,048 74,218 12,641,266 -9.7
20 largest shareholders total 60.28 60.49 1,256,116,848 9,595,978 1,265,712,826  
Other shares 39.72 39.51 819,566,949 14,556,530 834,123,479  
Total 100.00 100.00 2,075,683,797 24,152,508 2,099,836,305  
Date 2/28/2025
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Monthly change % - Change from previous month
Data is updated monthly
Source: Monitor by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from various sources, including Euroclear, Morningstar and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen).
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