Shareholders Share
capital %
Votes % A Shares B Shares Total number
of shares
Monthly change %
1 Carl Bennet AB 25.01 53.19 18,217,200 49,902,430 68,119,630 0.0
2 Fjärde AP-fonden 9.02 5.63 0 24,575,905 24,575,905 0.0
3 Första AP-fonden 4.22 2.63 0 11,486,714 11,486,714 0.0
4 Handelsbanken Fonder 3.34 2.09 0 9,103,571 9,103,571 0.0
5 Vanguard 2.90 1.81 0 7,891,997 7,891,997 -0.5
6 Swedbank Robur Fonder 2.39 1.49 0 6,508,436 6,508,436 -30.3
7 Norges Bank 2.04 1.27 0 5,544,029 5,544,029 0.0
8 Dimensional Fund Advisors 1.81 1.13 0 4,941,146 4,941,146 +2.2
9 Tredje AP-fonden 1.41 0.88 0 3,837,618 3,837,618 +64.1
10 BlackRock 1.37 0.86 0 3,743,015 3,743,015 -0.7
11 Highclere International Investors LLP 1.30 0.81 0 3,546,969 3,546,969 N/A
12 Svolder 1.16 0.73 0 3,166,842 3,166,842 0.0
13 Holberg Fonder 1.03 0.64 0 2,800,000 2,800,000 0.0
14 Thomas von Koch 0.92 0.57 0 2,500,000 2,500,000 0.0
15 Avanza Pension 0.84 0.52 0 2,275,835 2,275,835 -0.8
16 Goldman Sachs Asset Management 0.83 0.52 0 2,253,627 2,253,627 0.0
17 SEB Fonder 0.82 0.51 0 2,240,725 2,240,725 +3.3
18 Storebrand Fonder 0.70 0.44 0 1,911,902 1,911,902 0.0
19 Nordea Fonder 0.65 0.41 0 1,774,579 1,774,579 +1.2
20 Handelsbanken Liv Försäkring AB 0.62 0.39 0 1,687,084 1,687,084 N/A
20 largest shareholders total 62.38 76.52 18,217,200 151,692,424 169,909,624  
Other shares 37.62 23.48 0 102,459,949 102,459,949  
Total 100.00 100.00 18,217,200 254,152,373 272,369,573  
Date 4/30/2023
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Monthly change % - Change from previous month
Data is updated monthly
Source: Monitor by Modular Finance AB. Compiled and processed data from various sources, including Euroclear, Morningstar and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen).
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