renard jean-baptiste michel
  Transaction history       Back
Position Start End
Member of the board of directors 03.04.2014        
Own Holdings Security Amount
  Nominee reg. share       7,650
Family Members Start End Security Amount
Spouse 03.04.2014     0
Influence in Corporations (holdings are not subject to disclosure requirements)
  Start End Position
IFP TRAINING 14.02.2012   Member of the board of directors
COLLECTIF NATIONAL REPLIC 23.04.2014   Managing director
REPLIC LANGUEDOC ROUSSILLON 03.04.2014 30.11.2015 Member of the supervisory board
ASSOCIATION AMICALE ENSPM 03.04.2014 09.03.2016 Managing director
IFP SCHOOL 30.01.2016   Other criteria for influenced corporations
ENTREPRENDRE&+ 25.06.2015   Member of the board of directors
LMC FOUNDATION 11.12.2014   Member of the board of directors
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