Market: London
ISIN: GB0008883927
Industry: Industrial Suppliers
Currency GBX
Volume 746,859
Previous Close 70.00
Number of Shares (mil) 136.12
Change (%) 0.00
Market Cap (mil) 95.28

“A global leader in attractive markets: focused on its future

About Trifast plc (TR)

Founded in East Sussex in 1973, TR is a leading international specialist in the design, engineering, manufacture, and distribution of high-quality industrial fastenings and Category 'C' components principally to major global assembly industries.
What we do:

  • Design: early involvement in design is key to ensure that we support customers at the level of inception of new products
  • Produce: In-house manufacturing gives us increased capability, product knowledge and a unique advantage over competitors
  • Procure: Our vendor development process provides a strong approved vendor supply chain
  • Deliver: Tailored solutions provide a logistics service that meets customers' specific requirement

The Group supplies to customers in c.70 countries across a wide range of industries, including light vehicle, heavy vehicle, health & home, energy, tech, & infrastructure (ET&I), general industrial and distributors. As a full service provider to multinational OEMs and Tier 1 companies spanning several sectors, we deliver comprehensive support to our customers across every requirement, from concept design through to technical engineering consultancy, manufacturing, supply management and global logistics.

As an international business we are able to provide 24/7 customer support from across key regions in the UK, Asia, Europe and North America. In addition to our service locations we operate a number of manufacturing facilities focused on high volume cold forged fasteners and special parts. We have also established Technical & Innovation Centres to support R&D and customer collaboration across the world.

To read more on our 50 years of progress and the latest Sustainability Report

Key figures
£000s 2022 2023 2024
Revenue 218,618 244,391 233,671
Gross profit 58,429 61,929 59,267
Operating (loss)/profit 11,604 -8 4,630
(Loss)/profit before taxation 10,617 -2,692 -789
Profit/(loss) for the year (attributable to equity shareholders of the Parent Company) 8,977 -2,866 -4,440
Total assets 255,016 266,586 230,159
Total liabilities 115,871 130,697 105,981
Net assets 139,145 135,889 124,178
Number of employees 1,280 1,352 1,232
Basic earnings per share, p 6.61 -2.12 -3.29
Underlying diluted EPS, p 1 2 8.13 5.13 1.62
Final dividend per share, p 1.40 1.50 1.20
Interim dividend paid, p 0.70 0.75 0.60

1. Before separately disclosed items.
2. Presented after adoption of IFRS 16 Leases from FY2020.

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