Market: London (GBP)
Symbol: BREE
Industry: Building Materials & Fixtures
Breedon is a public company with ordinary shares listed on the London Stock Exchange. There are no other exchanges or trading platforms on which the Company has applied or agreed to have any of its securities admitted or traded.
Share Data
Currency GBP
Previous Close 404.00
Change (%) -0.37
Market Cap (GBP) 138.84 bn
Volume 556,666
Market London (GBP)
Number of shares 343,652,267
List Main Market
Key figures (£m) 2021 2022 2023
Revenue 1,232.5 1,396.3 1,487.5
Group operating profit 124.5 144.5 143.1
Underlying EBIT* 133.6 155.0 156.2
Profit before tax 114.3 135.8 134.4
Profit for the year attributable to Equity holders of the parent 78.5 112.5 105.5
Adjusted underlying basic EPS 5.98p 35.4p** 34.0p
Basic EPS 4.65p 33.2p** 31.1p
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 949.6 1,043.5 1,110.4
Net debt excluding IFRS 16 161.5 148.4 121.9
Net cash from operating activities 194.1 168.0 191.9
Free cash flow 127.3 68.7 94.8
Underlying EBIT margin* 10.8% 11.1% 10.5%
Return on invested capital 9.5% 10.8% 9.9%
Free cash flow conversion 59% 29% 39%
Covenant leverage 0.8x 0.7x 0.5x

*Underlying results are stated before acquisition-related expenses, property gains and losses, AIM to Main Market costs, amortisation of acquisition intangibles and related tax items.
**Comparative figures restated to reflect the impact of the 5:1 share consolidation undertaken in the year.