Factsheet - 30/08/2024

Market: London
Symbol: EXPN
Industry: Business Support Services

We have a clear purpose: to create a better tomorrow

We bring the power of data, analytics and technology to transform lives and deliver better outcomes for people, for businesses and for our communities. Our work empowers individuals, families, businesses, communities and governments to make smarter decisions and navigate the world with confidence. Our supportive, inspiring culture helps encourage our people to become the best versions of themselves.

Making it easier, cheaper and faster for people and organisations to access financial services

For businesses

We help businesses enhance their customer experiences by managing and analysing data that will help the businesses solve problems, drive better decisions and outcomes, and prevent fraud.

For consumers

We help millions of people in the USA, Brazil, UK, South Africa, India, Colombia and Peru to better access financial services, understand and improve their financial position, and help them to protect against fraud and identify theft.

    We are large, stable and highly cash-generative
  • £34bn market cap* / FTSE top 20*
  • 23,000 employees / 32 countries
  • FY24: US$7.1bn revenue / US$1.9bn Benchmark EBIT
  • US$1.9bn Benchmark operating cash flow, cash conversion rate of 97%
  • 17.0% Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
  • A– / Baa1 since 2011 (both stable outlook)
  • * At 20 May 2024.
    The Experian investment case
  • A leader in global information services with strong positions in growing markets
  • Our strong foundations support our growth prospects
  • A strong emphasis on Environmental, Social and Governance
  • Strong financial model with excellent growth prospects
Experian share price and volume
Summary financial highlights
For the twelve months ended 31 March 2024 2023 Actual rates growth
Constant rates growth
Revenue US$7,097m US$6,619m 7 n/a
Benchmark EBIT - ongoing activities US$1,944m US$1,798m 8 7
Benchmark EBIT margin 27.6% 27.5% n/a n/a
Benchmark PBT US$1,789m US$1,670m 7 6
Benchmark EPS USc 145.5 USc 135.1 8 7
Total dividend USc 58.5 USc 54.75 7 n/a

Revenue and Benchmark EBIT for the year ended 31 March 2023 have been re-presented for the reclassification to exited business activities of certain Business-to-Business (B2B) businesses.

For futher information on our financial results please refer to our latest results and Annual Report.

Diverse portfolio by region, business activity and customer (revenue split FY24 - ongoing activities)
Long term
Short term