Market: Helsinki
ISIN: FI0009002422

Outokumpu is the global leader in stainless steel.

The foundation of our business is our ability to tailor stainless steel into any form and for almost any purpose. Stainless steel is sustainable, durable and designed to last forever. Our customers use it to create civilization’s basic structures and its most famous landmarks as well as products for households and various industries.

Outokumpu employs some 9,000 professionals in more than 30 countries, with headquarters in Helsinki, Finland and shares listed in Nasdaq Helsinki.

Key Figures (MEUR) 2023 2022 2021
Stainless steel deliveries (1,000 tonnes) 1,906 2,106 2,254
Sales 6,961 9,494 7,243
Adjusted EBITDA 517 1,256 980
Net result for the period -111 1,086 526
Earnings per share (EUR) -0.26 2.40 1.21
Earnings per share (EUR)* -0.24 2.52 1.26
Net cash from operating activities* 325 778 597
Net debt* -60 -10 408
Gearing (%)* -1.6 -0.3 13.1
Return on capital employed (%) -2.1 22.6 17.6
Return on capital employed (%)* -2.0 24.5 18.4
Return on equity (%)* -2.6 30.6 20.1

*Including discontinued operations

Long-term targets by the end of 2025

Net debt to EBITDA <1.0 in normal market conditions

EBITDA run-rate improvement of EUR 200 million

EUR 600 million of capital expenditure for the coming three years

Stable and growing dividend

*Including discontinued operations