Market: Helsinki
Symbol: CGCBV
ISIN: FI4000571013
Industry: Industrial Goods & Services

Cargotec’s businesses Hiab and MacGregor enable smarter cargo flow for a better everyday with leading cargo handling solutions and services. Hiab is a leading provider of smart and sustainable on road load-handling solutions, committed to delivering the best customer experience every day with the most engaged people and partners. MacGregor is a leader in sustainable maritime cargo and load handling with a strong portfolio of products, services and solutions.

  • We operate in more than 100 countries
  • In 2023, our sales totalled approximately EUR 2.5 billion
  • At the end of 2023 around 6,400 people worked at Cargotec
Share Data
Currency EUR
Previous Close 51.08
Change (%) -1.39
Volume 84,457
Number of Shares (mln) 55
Market Cap (mln) 3,305.29*
*Including both A and B series shares. Calculated with B share market price.
Key figures      
(Figures in MEUR unless other mentioned) 2023 2022 2021
Orders received 2,282 4,862 4,427
Order book 1,788 3,541 2,847
Sales 2,519 4,089 3,315
Comparable operating profit 236.7 316.4 215.5
Comparable operating profit, % 9.4 7.7 6.5
Profit for the period 162.4 23.2 246.7
Basic earnings per share, EUR 2.49 0.37 3.82
Cash flow from operations before financing items and taxes 544 231 169
Net working capital 329 286 184
Total equity/total assets, % (YTD) 43.8 39.2 40.6
Interest-bearing net debt 179 378 414
Interest-bearing liabilities 867 838 919
Gearing, % 10.2 24.8 26.8
Equity/share, EUR 27.25 23.69 23.95
Return on equity (ROE), % (YTD) 21.2 1.5 17.3
Return on capital employed (ROCE), % (YTD) 19.9 4.6 14.5
Personnel, average (YTD) 11,669 11,405 11,232
Market capitalisation (class B shares) 3,389 2,688 2,828