Market: Tadawul
Symbol: 4300
ISIN: SA11U0S23612
Currency SAR
Last Closing Price 14.44
Change (%) -0.55
Volume 3,009,242
Number of Shares (mln) 1,080
Market Cap (mln) 15,595
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS, SR'000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Revenue 3,491,856 1,944,854 2,493,078 3,925,499 2,707,100
Operating profit 649,653 503,318 684,783 1,099,653 865,310
Total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders 304,155 16,692 133,450 444,498 589,186
Total assets 28,049,229 30,934,616 31,961,680 33,512,853 33,655,304
Total liabilities 9,039,741 11,908,436 12,802,050 13,908,725 13,363,423
Total equity 19,009,488 19,026,180 19,159,630 19,604,128 20,291,881
Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities (1,742,716) (1,461,677) 66,806 460,062 1,416,433
Net cash flows used in investing activities (329,539) (4,379) (8,978) (14,257) (1,163,882)
Net cash flows from/(used in) financing activities 1,118,784 2,447,696 (836,062) 1,329,626 (731,575)
Earnings per share (SR) 0.28 0.02 0.12 0.41 0.57