Market: Stockholm
ISIN: SE0010468116
Industry : Health Care
Share data
Symbol ARJO B
Market Stockholm
Currency SEK
Previous Close 36.94
Change (%) 1.32
ISIN SE0010468116
Industry Health Care
Volume 634,423
Number of Shares 254,152,373
Market Cap (mln) 9,388

For 65 years, we have had a close cooperation with healthcare providers, giving us an in-depth understanding of their daily challenges. Today, Arjo is a market-leading player in the medical device industry, providing sustainable and outcome-based solutions that improve the quality of care and life for patients with reduced mobility, and improve the work environment for healthcare professionals.

Key figures (SEK M) 2024 2023
Organic growth in net sales, % 3.1 4.7
EBITDA growth, % 1.6 15.9
Cash conversion, % 76.7 105.9
Return on shareholders’ equity1, % 6.3 6.4
Gross margin, % 43.5 43.1
Selling expenses as a % of net sales 19.8 19.7
Administrative expenses as a % of net sales 13.4 13.3
EBITDA 1,977 1,946
EBITDA, adjusted 2,086 2,017
EBITDA margin, % 17.5  17.7
EBITDA margin, adjusted, % 18.5  18.4
Operating margin, % 7.9  8.0
Earnings per share, SEK 1.83  1.76
Number of shares, thousands 272,370  272,370
Interest-coverage ratio1, multiple 4.2  3.7
Operating capital, SEK M 12,539  12,500
Return on operating capital1, % 8.1  7.7
Net debt/equity ratio, multiple 0.5  0.6
Net debt/ adjusted EBITDA1 , multiple 2.0 2.3
Equity/assets ratio, % 51.2  49.1
Equity per share, SEK 30.6  27.8
Number of employees, average 6,932  6,679

1 Rolling 12 months.

Sales by customer category
Sales by segment
Sales by service type

Contact us
Arjo AB
Hans Michelsensgatan 10
SE-211 20 Malmö

Tel: 010 335 0000
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