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Market: Qatar Symbol: DUBK ISIN: QA000B982PM1 Industry: Banks

Dukhan Bank QPSC is the third largest and fastest growing Islamic bank in Qatar with total assets of more than QAR 100 billion. The Bank was incorporated in 2008 under the name of Barwa Bank Q.P.S.C, and commenced operations in 2009 as a full-service Sharia Compliant bank. The Bank rebranded itself under the name of Dukhan Bank Q.P.S.C. in October 2020, following the merger with International Bank of Qatar (“IBQ”) in 2019. The Bank and its subsidiaries are primarily engaged in financing, investing and advisory activities in accordance with Shari’a rules as determined by the Shari’a Committee and provisions of their respective memorandum and articles of association. Investment activities are carried out for proprietary purpose and on behalf of customers.

Share Graph
Share data 18/02/2025
Currency QAR Volume 10,203,017
Previous Close 3.82 Number of Shares (mln) 5,234.10
Change (%) 0.95 Market Cap (mln) 19,999.50
Key Figures (QAR millions except per share amounts) 2024 2023 2022
Net income from financing and investing activities 6,279 5,624 3,972
Net fees and commission income 256 256 211
Total income 6,695 6,095 4,452
Funding costs (4,017) (3,651) (1,786)
Net banking income 2,679 2,444 2,665
Net operating income 1,797 1,637 1,915
Net profit 1,343 1,302 1,253
Net financing assets 86,212 77,585 75,677
Total assets 117,940 114,417 106,276
Customer deposits 83,351 78,002 74,545
Shareholders’ equity 14,779 14,713 14,336
Basic/diluted earnings per share in QAR 0.244 0.237 0.227*
RoATE 11.1% 11.0% 11.0%
Non-performing asset ratio 4.6% 5.4% 5.1%
Capital adequacy ratio 17.3% 17.2% 18.3%

*Earnings Per Share (EPS) for 2022 has been re-stated to reflect the increase in number of shares due to share split for the purpose of listing in Qatar Stock Exchange.