Azbil Corporation
Market: Tokyo Symbol: 6845 ISIN: JP3937200008 Sector: Electric Appliances

Since our establishment in 1906, we have focused on "measurement" and "control" technology, delivering unique solutions to our customers. Our evolution having taken us from the idea of controlling machines to the idea of creating fulfillment for people, we now strive to realize work styles and lifestyles that give people a sense of "safety", "comfort", and "fulfillment" as well as "to contribute to benefit the global environment" in our quest for “human-centered automation.” And we places great importance on the distribution of profits to our shareholders. The management would like to maintain stable dividends while striving to increase its dividends payout with the business growth.

Representative Corporate Executives

Director and Representative Corporate Executive, President & Group CEO

Kiyohiro Yamamoto
Director and Representative Corporate Executive, Deputy President

Takayuki Yokota

*Twelve directors in place including eight independent outside directors (25/06/2024)
Stock Information (01/07/2024)

Previous Close (Yen) 4,453
Change (%) (0.62)
Volume 395,000
Number of Shares (Thousands) 141,508.18
Market Cap (Millions of Yen) 630,135.94

Shareholders Information (31/03/2024)

Shareholder Name Number of Shares (Thousands)

Percentage of Total Shares Issued (%)

The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account)

19,298 14.36

Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company

10,428 7.76
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 7,792 5.79
Northern Trust CO. (AVFC) Re Fidelity Funds 4,980 3.70
Business Segment (2024/3)

3-Year Key Financial Figures Millions of yen
Fiscal Year 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Financial Results (For the Year):      
Net Sales 256,551 278,406 290,938
Gross profit 105,705 111,938 122,973
Operating income 28,231 31,251 36,841
Net income attributable to owners of parent 20,784 22,602 30,207
Capital expenditures 11,244 10,844 8,652
Depreciation 4,847 4,954 6,044
R&D expenses 12,108 12,371 12,325
Cash Flows (For the year):      
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 10,120 13,118 27,540
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (3,990) (1,977) (2,360)
Free cash flow 6,130 11,141 25,179
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (20,584) (19,694) (22,455)
Financial Position (At Year-end):      
Total assets 280,052 296,873 313,728
Net assets 203,141 205,880 224,887
Per Share Data:      
Net income (Yen) 150.79 168.27 228.39
Net assets (Yen) 1,459.08 1,518.01 1,680.37
Cash dividends (Yen) 60.00 66.00 76.00
Gross profit/Net sales (%) 41.2 40.2 42.3
Operating income/Net sales (%) 11.0 11.2 12.7
R&D expenses/Net sales (%) 4.7 4.4 4.2
Shareholders’ equity/Total assets (%) 71.5 68.3 70.6
Return on equity (ROE) (%) 10.4 11.2 14.2
Dividend on equity (DOE) (%) 4.2 4.4 4.8
Dividend payout ratio (%) 39.8 39.2 33.3

Since our establishment in 1906, we have focused on "measurement" and "control" technology, delivering unique solutions to our customers. Our evolution having taken us from the idea of controlling machines to the idea of creating fulfillment for people, we now strive to realize work styles and lifestyles that give people a sense of "safety", "comfort", and "fulfillment" as well as "to contribute to benefit the global environment" in our quest for “human-centered automation.” And we places great importance on the distribution of profits to our shareholders. The management would like to maintain stable dividends while striving to increase its dividends payout with the business growth.

Representative Corporate Executives

Director and Representative Corporate Executive, President & Group CEO

Kiyohiro Yamamoto
Director and Representative Corporate Executive, Deputy President

Takayuki Yokota

*Twelve directors in place including eight independent outside directors (25/06/2024)
Stock Information (01/07/2024)

Previous Close (Yen) 4,453
Change (%) (0.62)
Volume 395,000
Number of Shares (Thousands) 141,508.18
Market Cap (Millions of Yen) 630,135.94

3-Year Key Financial Figures Millions of yen
Fiscal Year 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Financial Results (For the Year):      
Net Sales 256,551 278,406 290,938
Gross profit 105,705 111,938 122,973
Operating income 28,231 31,251 36,841
Net income attributable to owners of parent 20,784 22,602 30,207
Capital expenditures 11,244 10,844 8,652
Depreciation 4,847 4,954 6,044
R&D expenses 12,108 12,371 12,325
Cash Flows (For the year):      
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 10,120 13,118 27,540
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (3,990) (1,977) (2,360)
Free cash flow 6,130 11,141 25,179
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (20,584) (19,694) (22,455)
Financial Position (At Year-end):      
Total assets 280,052 296,873 313,728
Net assets 203,141 205,880 224,887
Per Share Data:      
Net income (Yen) 150.79 168.27 228.39
Net assets (Yen) 1,459.08 1,518.01 1,680.37
Cash dividends (Yen) 60.00 66.00 76.00
Gross profit/Net sales (%) 41.2 40.2 42.3
Operating income/Net sales (%) 11.0 11.2 12.7
R&D expenses/Net sales (%) 4.7 4.4 4.2
Shareholders’ equity/Total assets (%) 71.5 68.3 70.6
Return on equity (ROE) (%) 10.4 11.2 14.2
Dividend on equity (DOE) (%) 4.2 4.4 4.8
Dividend payout ratio (%) 39.8 39.2 33.3

Shareholder Name Number of Shares (Thousands)

Percentage of Total Shares Issued (%)

The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account)

19,298 14.36

Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company

10,428 7.76
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 7,792 5.79
Northern Trust CO. (AVFC) Re Fidelity Funds 4,980 3.70