Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd. Download PDF
Market: Tokyo
Symbol: 4612
ISIN: JP3749400002
Sector: Chemicals
Company profile
Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd. (NPHD) is a unique Japan-based global company with Maximization of Shareholder Value (MSV) as its sole mission. Leveraging our Asset Assembler model for building up powerful brands and excellent talent, we are pursuing accelerated growth through both the expansion of existing businesses and new M&A deals. Based on trust in our partner companies around the world, we will implement autonomous and decentralized management that combines the delegation of authority and accountability and aggressively pursue M&A deals, thereby building up assets and expanding the sphere of business activities from the paint and coatings area to the adjacencies area with the goal of achieving MSV.

Key figures*1*2

(Unit : Million yen) 2019/12 2020/12 2021/12 2022/12 2023/12
Revenue*3 692,009 772,560 998,276 1,309,021 1,442,574
Operating Profit*3 78,060 87,594 87,615 111,882 168,745
Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent 36,717 43,921 67,569 79,418 118,476
Total Assets 1,478,646 1,614,580 1,955,083 2,442,340 2,713,341
Total Equity 687,979 699,002 968,694 1,155,358 1,368,104
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 92,076 87,633 67,428 112,351 189,755
Cash Flows from Investing Activities -352,769 -35,440 -102,355 -165,107 -115,975
Free Cash Flow -260,693 52,193 -34,927 -52,756 73,780
Cash Flows from Financing Activities  254,018 60,869 -62,309 145,767 -38,664
Capital Expenditures 35,263 36,767 49,513 49,820 49,864
Depreciation and Amortization*3 25,769 26,446 33,889 47,116 52,275
R&D Expenses*3 17,416 17,462 24,251 28,106 29,996
Operating Margin (%)*3 11.3 11.3 8.8 8.5 11.7
Return on Equity (ROE) (%) 6.84 7.80 8.85 7.50 9.50
Return on Assets (ROA) (%) 3.02 2.89 3.80 3.61 4.60
Net Worth Ratio(%) 37.4 35.2 49.1 47.0 50.1
Net D/E Ratio (Times) 0.56 0.54 0.45 0.50 0.36
Basic Earnings per Share*4 (EPS) (Yen) 114.48 27.38 29.41 33.82 50.45
Cash Dividends per Share (Yen)*5 45.0 45.0 10.0 11.0 14.0
Number of employees (at year-end, consolidated) 25,970 27,318 30,247 33,763 34,393
For more details please visit (Financial Results)

*1 The Company has adopted the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) starting with FY2018.

*2 The Company applied an accounting policy regarding cloud computing agreements beginning with the fourth quarter of the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. Figures for FY2021 reflect this accounting policy change. In addition, figures for FY2020 have been adjusted retrospectively as a result of retrospective application of this accounting policy change.

*3 Based on the share transfer agreement concluded between the Wuthelam Group and the Company involving the transfer of the Company’s consolidated subsidiaries to the Wuthelam Group, which was announced on August 10, 2021, the Company classified the transferred companies (their seven months’ earnings for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021) as discontinued operations. Figures for FY2021 are the amounts for continuing operations excluding the amounts for discontinued operations. Figures for FY2020 have been reclassified and restated to the amounts for continuing operations excluding the amounts for discontinued operations in accordance with the IFRS Standards.

*4 Profit attributable to owners of parent per share and shareholders’ equity per share are calculated based on the total number of shares issued excluding treasury stock. NPHD implemented a stock split in which each share of common stock held by shareholders as of the record date of March 31, 2021 was split into five shares, with April 1, 2021 as the effective date. Total number of shares issued is calculated assuming that the stock split was conducted at the beginning of the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020.

*5 NPHD implemented a stock split in which each share of common stock held by shareholders as of the record date of March 31, 2021 was split into five shares, with April 1, 2021 as the effective date.

Share Data 30/08/2024
Currency JPY
Previous Close 922
Change (%) 0.27
Volume 6,798,300
Number of Shares ( mil) 2,370.51
Market Cap ( mil) 2,186,086.36
Name Number of Shares Held (in thousands) Percentage of Shareholding (%)
Nipsea International Limited 1,293,030 55.05
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 157,863 6.72
Fraser (HK) Limited 85,000 3.61
Nippon Life Insurance Company 51,381 2.18
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 43,569 1.85
BNYM TREATY DTT 15 21,007 0.89

*1 The Company holds 21,879,817 shares of treasury stock and is excluded from the above list of major shareholders.

*2 The shareholding ratio is calculated exclusive of treasury shares.

*3 Nipsea International Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary company of Wuthelam Holdings Limited, of which Goh Hup Jin, Director of the Company, serves as Managing Director.

*4 Fraser (HK) Limited is a subsidiary company of a company (W (BVI) Holdings Limited) whose majority voting rights are held by Goh Hup Jin, Director of the Company, on his own account, and falls under affiliated parties of the Company.