Market: Tokyo
Stock Code: 2607
ISIN: JP3816400000
Sector: Foods

Company presentation

The Fuji Oil Group has been constantly innovating and taking on challenges since we were founded to “seek to develop the potential of food ingredients and contribute to the happiness and wellbeing of the people by offering delicious and healthy food”. We have extensively developed products in four businesses – vegetable oils and fats, industrial chocolate, emulsified and fermented ingredients, and soy-based ingredients – that make use of plant ingredients such as palm and soybeans. We run B-to-B operations for food manufacturers, bakeries and confectionery stores in 14 countries around the world to contribute to the deliciousness and health of everyone on the planet. In our Mid-Term management plan, we are concentrating on businesses that keep in mind consumer and social issues, and are pushing hard to build the management base required of a global company.

Share Data30/12/2024
Currency JPY
Previous Close 3,550
Change (%) 0.68
Number of Shares 87,569,383
Market Cap (mil) 310,871.31
Key figures (Million Yen) 2022.3 2023.3 2024.3
Net Sales 433,831 557,410 564,087
Operating profit 15,008 10,940 18,213
Ordinary profit 14,360 9,690 16,791
Net income attributable to owners of parent 11,504 6,126 6,524
Cash flows from operating activities 3,537 7,594 48,242
Cash flows from investing activities -18,807 -16,487 8,803
Free cash flow -15,269 -8,893 57,045
Total assets 416,617 468,789 470,221
Inventory assets 96,035 105,744 109,001
Property, plant and equipment 140,628 159,855 150,750
Total net assets 189,495 210,983 244,291
R & D expenses 5,280 5,744 5,878
Capital expenditures 17,286 21,512 15,119
Depreciation and amortization 12,680 14,584 14,850
Operating income margin (%) 3.5 2.0 3.2
ROE (%) 6.6 3.1 3.0
ROA (%) 3.7 2.2 3.6
FY2023 Actual (Unit: Million Yen)

※Excluding Group management fees and Consolidated adjustment

As of March 31, 2024
Name of Shareholders
Number of shares held
Share-holding ratio (%)
Itochu Food Investment, Llc 36,660 42.59

The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account)

6,703 7.79

Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account)

4,069 4.73

National Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives

2,179 2.53

Fuji Oil Customer Shareholding Association

1,511 1.76
ITOCHU Corporation 1,141 1.33
Nippon Life Insurance Company 1,100 1.28

ROYCE' Confect Co., Ltd.

1,080 1.25

Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.

1,058 1.23

The shareholding ratio is calculated excluding treasury stock (1,494 thousand shares).