Market: Hong Kong
Symbol: 607
ISIN: KYG3690U1132
Industry : Conglomerate
Fullshare Holdings Limited (HKSE: 00607.HK) has been listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since the end of 2013. Fullshare Holdings Limited is a Chinese conglomerate focused on becoming a global leader in healthy living. The Group’s business can be categorized in four segments, namely, renewable energy equipment, tourism, healthcare, and real estate. The Group is continuously expanding its global operations in healthcare, elderly care, tourism, finance, operation, marketing and property in order to provide world class products and services for its customers.
Share Graph
Share data
Currency HKD
Previous Close 0.52
Change (%) 6.12
Volume 64,000
Number of Shares 636,763,934
Market Cap (M) 331
Financial Highlights, RMB'000 2021 2022 2023
Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income
Revenue 20,785,542 21,718,371 24,845,816
Gross profit 3,294,795 3,314,344 3,541,723
(Loss)/profit before tax -2,095,358 714,729 -444,860
(Loss)/profit for the year -2,335,758 408,696 -455,449
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Total assets 45,600,302 55,229,834 54,510,094
Current liabilities 23,147,896 30,181,512 29,511,143
Non-current liabilities 4,456,551 6,928,074 7,560,941
Total equity 17,995,855 18,120,248 17,438,010
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Net cash flows (used in)/from operating activities -1,039,758 722,168 786,788
Net cash used in investing activities -559,982 -5,640,903 -498,520
Net cash generated from financing activities 2,602,983 5,898,551 852,473
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 3,473,102 4,533,808 5,693,844
Financial Highlights (RMB cents)
Basic and diluted loss per share from continuing operations* -682 -67 -172
Final dividend per share** N/A N/A N/A

*2021 and 2022: restated to reflect the impact from share consolidation of every 50 shares into 1 consolidated share, which was effective on 4 December 2023.
**The Board of Directors has resolved not to declare a final dividend for the years ended 31 December 2021 to 2023