Market: OMX Copenhagen
ISIN: DK0010181676
Industry: Food & Beverage
CARL B 06/12/2024
Currency DKK
Volume 270,362
Previous Close 720.80
Number of Shares (mil) 100.56
Change (%) 0.19
Market Cap (mil) 72,481.88
CARL A 06/12/2024
Currency DKK
Volume 972
Previous Close 866.00
Number of Shares (mil) 33.70
Change (%) -0.69
Market Cap (mil) 29,183.55
Key figures
Financial ratios 2021 2022 2023
Operating margin, % 16.9 16.3 15.1
ROIC excl. goodwill, % 33.6 41.6 38.3
Equity ratio (%) 36.0 27.7 20.8
Debt/equity ratio (financial gearing) 0.39 0.56 0.87
NIBD/operating profit before depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses


1.23 1.47
Interest cover 28.52 - -
Stock market ratios      
Earnings per share, adjusted (EPS-A)*, DKK 48.3 69.3 60.0
Free cash flow per share (FCFPS) 61.5 70.5 35.8
Dividend per share (proposed), DKK 24.0 27.0 27.0
Share price (B shares) 1,129.5 923.2 846.8
Number of shares (year-end, excl. treasury shares) 141,892 137,341 134,114
Number of shares (average, excl. treasury shares) 143,848 139,835 136,089
*Adjusted for special items after tax.
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