Market: XETRA (EUR) Symbol: KTA ISIN: DE000A2YN504 Industry: Automobile

Knaus Tabbert is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of motorhomes, caravans, camper vans and caravanning utility vehicles. The company, which is based in Jandelsbrunn, Bavaria, employs around 4,200 members of staff and in 2023 manufactured some 31,000 vehicles at four production sites in Germany and Hungary. Knaus Tabbert is a byword for premium quality “made in Germany”, a wealth of experience and a great capacity for innovation. The Group’s portfolio spans products for a variety of target groups and a wide range of services for all aspects of caravanning. Over the past few years, Knaus Tabbert has steadily increased its revenue, most recently reaching EUR 1,441 million in the 2023 financial year. As a result, the company has significantly increased its market share once again. With a strategy geared towards innovation, quality and sustainability, Knaus Tabbert aims to continue its success story in the future.

The Knaus Tabbert Group portfolio comprises five specialised brands: KNAUS and WEINSBERG produce caravans, motorhomes, camper vans and caravanning utility vehicles. TABBERT and T@B focus on the development and production of caravans, while MORELO is one of the leading manufacturers of motorhomes in the Luxury segment. Knaus Tabbert has also been operating the digital rental brand for leisure vehicles, RENT AND TRAVEL, since 2016.

Share data 12/02/2025
Currency EUR Volume 7,370
Previous Close 15.04 Number of Shares (million) 10.38
Change (%) -1.18 Market Cap (million) 156.07
Key figures 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of units 18,736 32,398 30,711 19,985
Order backlog in EUR mill. 640 1,306 1,342 946
FINANCIAL KEY FIGURES (in EUR mill.)        
Revenue 794.6 862.6 1,049.5 1,441.0
thereof premium segment 687.3 740.6 918.8 1,274.3
thereof luxury segment 107.3 122.0 130.7 166.8
Total output 806.1 889.3 1,078.2 1,474.6
Revenue by product group        
Camper Vans 170.0 199.8 196.1 345.1
Motor homes 393.5 396.8 496.1 817.0
Caravans 207.9 240.3 333.0 254.9
Aftersales 23.2 25.7 24.3 24.0
EBITDA 66.0 59.4 69.3 123.8
EBITDA (adjusted) 67.7 60.7 70.1 123.8
EBITDA-margin (adjusted) 8.5% 7.0% 6.7% 8.6%
EBIT 46.6 38.4 45.5 95.4
EBIT margin 5.9% 4.4% 4.3% 6.6%
Earnings per share in EUR 7.63 2.50 2.85 5.81
CASHFLOW (in EUR mill.)        
Operating cashflow 71.0 27.2 2.8 32.1
Investing cashflow -20.1 -47.9 -72.7 -53.8
Free cashflow 50.9 -0.2 -0.7 -20.7
BALANCE SHEET (in EUR mill.)        
Balance sheet total 285.9 344.6 557.4 682.5
Equity 123.8 133.9 146.9 192.6
Equity ratio 43.3% 38.8% 26.4% 28.2%
Headcount 3,092 3,609 3,986 4,215