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Market: Abu Dhabi Symbol: YAHSAT ISIN: AEA007501017 Industry: Services

Al Yah Satellite Communications Company P.J.S.C. (Yahsat) is a public company listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) and a subsidiary of Mubadala Investment Company PJSC, offering multi-mission satellite services in more than 150 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, South America, Asia and Australasia.

Yahsat’s fleet of 5 satellites reaches more than 80% of the world’s population, enabling critical communications including broadband, broadcasting, backhauling and mobility solutions. Based out of Abu Dhabi in the UAE, Yahsat provides C, Ku, Ka and L-band satellite communications solutions for land, maritime and aero platforms to consumers, governments and enterprises. Its businesses consist of Yahsat Government Solutions, Thuraya, YahClick (powered by Hughes) and YahLink. Yahsat also participates in Hughes do Brasil, an equity partnership with Hughes, and Yahlive, an equity partnership with SES. In 2020, Yahsat commenced construction of Thuraya 4-NGS, the next generation telecommunications system for Thuraya, which is due to be in service during 2025.

Share data 14/01/2025
Currency AED Volume 0
Previous Close 2.08 Number of Shares (mln) 2,439.77
Change (%) 0.00 Market Cap (mln) 5,074.72
Key Figures (U.S.$ thousand) 2021 2022 2023
Revenue 407,569 432,540 456,738
Adjusted EBITDA 240,481 257,680 266,105
Operating profit 89,985 114,793 98,015
Profit 62,873 60,217 102,166
Total assets 1,862,158 2,024,573 1,988,418
Total liabilities 944,072 1,102,089 1,083,650
Total equity 918,086 922,484 904,768
Net cash from operating activities 227,335 386,806 331,682
Net cash from/(used in) investing activities (162,838) (330,567) (80,554)
Net cash (used in)/from financing activities 108,006 (120,074) (205,330)