Market: Dubai Symbol: EMAAR ISIN: AEE000301011 Industry: Real Estate & Construction

Emaar Properties PJSC, listed on the Dubai Financial Market, is a global property developer and provider of premium lifestyles, with a significant presence in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia. One of the world’s largest real estate companies, Emaar has a land bank of 1.7 billion sq. ft. in the UAE and key international markets.

With a proven track-record in delivery, Emaar has delivered over 81,600 residential units in Dubai and other key global markets since 2002. Emaar has strong recurring revenue-generating assets with over 1,130,000 square meters of leasing revenue-generating assets and 32 hotels and resorts with 7,142 rooms (includes owned as well as managed hotels). Today, 45 per cent of the Emaar’s total revenue is from its shopping malls & retail, hospitality & leisure and international subsidiaries.

Burj Khalifa, a global icon, and The Dubai Mall, the world’s most-visited retail and lifestyle destination, are among Emaar’s trophy destinations.

 Share Data
Currency AED
Change -0.39
Last Closing Price 12.70
Volume 13,071,599
Number of Shares (mln) 8,839
Market Cap (mln) 112,253
Key Figures (AED'000)
Income statement      
Revenue 17,959,478 27,896,172 24,925,674
Gross profit 6,532,666 11,591,828 12,587,312
Profit before tax 2,613,843 6,085,230 8,477,008
Profit for the year 2,806,341 5,678,066 8,138,847
Balance sheet      
Total assets 117,976,596 120,613,553 132,364,129
Total liabilities 53,394,694 52,871,626 5,693,8051
Total equity 64,581,902 67,741,927 7,542,6078
Cash flow      
Net cash flows from operating activities 2,137,431 10,560,646 1,8941,959
Net cash flows (used in)/ from investing activities 996,767 (2,755,965) (2,531,860)
Net cash flows (used in)/ from financing activities (2,532,957) (6,041,295) (5,970,428)
Key indicators      
Basic and diluted earnings per share (AED) 0.29 0.52 0.83
Dividend per share (AED)* 0.10 0.15 0.25
Authorised capital 7,159,739 8,179,739 8,838,790
