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Market: Kuwait Symbol: GINS ISIN: KW0EQ0300420 Industry: Insurance
Share data 27/03/2025
Currency KWD Volume 0
Previous Close 1.250 Number of Shares (mln) 284.572
Change (%) 0.000 Market Cap (mln) 355.716
Financial Highlights (KD Million) 2022* 2023
Income Statement    
Insurance revenue 764.9 818.3
Net insurance financial result 40.7 39.3
Profit for the year 36.9 29.5
Attributable Profit to GIG 33.4 21.2
Balance Sheet    
Total assets 1,143.3 1,175.4
Total liabilities 779.4 801.3
Total equity 364.0 374.1
Cash Flow Statement    
Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities 15.5 33.3
Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities 21.9 -62.0
Net cash flows (used in) from financing activities -36.1 -29.6
Share Data (Fils)    
Basic earnings per share 117.624 74.735
Market price per share 1,015 1,880
Book value per share 805.79 832.63
Dividend per share 35 54

* The Group has applied IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 from 1 January 2023. The Group has restated comparative information for 2022.