Market: Madrid
Symbol: ACX
ISIN: ES0132105018
Industry: Mineral, Metal & Transformation
Acerinox is the global leader in stainless steel and high performance alloys, creating the most efficient solutions for a sustainable future, maximising benefits for society and building value for our stakeholders.

Acerinox has the firm commitment to contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved by the United Nations, particularly via manufacturing entirely and endlessly recyclable products, also promoting innovation, education, protection of biodiversity, development of professional relationships, the fostering of equality policies, paying special attention to disadvantaged social groups, and protecting and enforcing respect for human rights.
Currency EUR
Previous Close 11.04
Change (%) -1.08
Volume 451,204
Number of Shares (mln) 249.34
Market Cap (mln) 2,752.66
Key figures 2022 2023 2024

Melting shop production (thousand mt)

2,190 1,946 1,753

Net sales (million €)

8,688 6,608 5,413
Gross operating result / EBITDA (million €) 1,276 703 500

% over sales

14.7 10.6 9.2

EBIT (million €)

876⁽²⁾ 374⁽¹⁾ 348
% over sales 10.1 5.7 6.4
Result before taxes and minorities (million €) 831 355 342
Result after taxes and minorities (million €) 556 228 225
Depreciation (million €) 193 171 160
Investments (million €) 154 175 980⁽⁵⁾
Total assets (million €) 6,318 6,099 6,469
Equity (million €) 2,548 2,463 2,575
Net financial debt (million €) 440 341 1,120
Net financial debt / Equity (%) 17.3 13.9 43.5
Number of employees 8,201 8,239 9,293
Number of shares (million) 259.72 249.34 249.34
Return to shareholders (per share, €) 1.28⁽³⁾ 0.60 0.62
Return to shareholders (million €) 336⁽⁴⁾ 150 155
Daily average shares traded (nº of shares, million) 1.31 0.90 0.81
Share price at the end of the period (€) 9.24 10.66 9.45
Market capitalization (million €) 2,400 2,657 2,356
Book value per share - December, 31st (€) 9.81 9.88 10.33

(1) Includes an impairment of Bahru Stainless’s assets amounting to 156 million euros in Q4 2023.

(2) Includes an impairment of Bahru Stainless’s assets amounting to 204 million euros in Q4 2022.

(3) Includes the ordinary dividend of 0.50 euros/share and the indirect remuneration derived from the share buyback programme of 0.78 euros/share.

(4) Includes the ordinary dividend of 130 million € and the indirect remuneration derived from the share buyback programme (206 million €).

(5) Includes the acquisition of Haynes International (-769 million eur).

* 2023 Adjusted ROCE (excluding Bahru Stainless impairment) was 17.9%