Ahlstrom Oyj Annual Report 2011
Annual Report
Financial targets and dividend policy
Core purpose
Year 2011 in brief
CEO´s message
Business Areas
Corporate Governance
Board of Directors
Executive Management Team
Financial Statements 2011
Consolidated financial statements
Report of operations
Income Statement
Balance sheet
Statement of changes in equity
Statement of cash flows
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Accounting principles
1. Financial risk management
2. Segment information
3. Disposals of businesses and discontinued operations
4. Acquisitions of businesses
5. Net Sales
6. Cost of goods sold
7. Other operating income and expenses
8. Employee benefit expenses
9. Depreciations and amortizations
10. Impairment
11. Financial income and expenses
12. Income taxes
13. Taxes related to other comprehensive income
14. Earnings per share
15. Property, plant and equipment
16. Intangible assets
17. Investments in associated companies
18. Other investments
19. Cash and cash equivalents
20. Deferred tax assets and liabilities
21. Inventories
22. Trade and other receivables
23. Capital and reserves
24. Employee benefit obligations
25. Provisions
26. Interest-bearing loans and borrowings
27. Trade and other payables
28. Carrying amounts of financial assets and liabilities by measurement categories
29. Derivative financial instruments
30. Operating leases
31. Collaterals and commitments
32. Transactions with related parties
33. Subsequent events after the balance sheet date
Key figures
Calculation of key figures
Parent company financial statements, fas
Income statement
Balance sheet
Statement of cash flows
Accounting principles
Proposal for the distribution of profits
Auditor’s Report
Investor Information
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